
Language services and translations from English and Italian into French


The rates include all costs and taxes.
Discounts in cases of:

  • Repetition
  • Assignment which contain a particularly high word count
  • Translations for non profit organisations (voluntary associations, NGOs, etc.)

Are you looking for new translators for your translation agency? Contact me to discuss the terms of collaboration.



Translation of modifiable files (Microsoft Office formats, rtf, txt, html (php), xml, etc.) €0.10/word of the source text
Minimum fee for my translation services €15 for texts under 150 words
Translation of non-modifiable files (e.g. PDF) or of non-modifiable files converted into a modifiable format a supplement is to be considered depending on the required reformatting
Translation of paper/scanned documents to be assessed depending on the required formatting
Translation of diplomas and certificates From €20/page
Translation/creation of meta tags optimised for SEO from €0.20/word
Translation constrained by a minimum or maximum word count from €0.15 to €0.20/word
Translation of video subtitles around € 15/minute
Translation of slogans, transcreation €50/hour
Revision and post-editing From €0.05 to €0.10/word (depending on: quality of output, terminology density, level of customisation required)
Management and coordination of multilingual or unilingual projects involving several translators, creation and maintenance of termbases and translation memories €40/hour
Branding and language consultation Included in projects of at least 5000 words

The rates quoted here may vary according to the specific requirements of each project. Get in touch to explain your needs and ask for an estimate