My career

The story of a passion !

Step 1


I started studying social work

After a baccalauréat in literature (secondary education diploma), I began graduate studies in social work in Marseille.


I started working

After 3 years of training and research, I became a social worker and began working with a number of different service agencies for vulnerable minors and adults in France

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Step 2


I discovered Italy

I decided to take part in an EVS (European Voluntary Service) for 6 months with Pesaro City Council in Italy. I liked it so much that I decided to stay.


I started working in Italy

I worked as a social worker for Italian cooperatives for a number of years. In the meantime, my interest in intercultural and interlinguistic communication continued to grow.


The first work in the field of translation

The department I did my European Voluntary Service with offered me some translation jobs for other European projects and I discovered I had a real passion for the job.


Translation jobs increase…

The International Centre for Educational Research and Advanced Training (Centro Internazionale di Studi sulla Ricerca Educativa e la Formazione Avanzata) of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice entrusted me with the translation of hundreds of pages in the context of European projects. I decided to train to become a full-time translator.

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Step 3


I resumed studying

I registered at ENEAD, Sorbonne 3 University in Paris (France) to study English language, literature and civilisation.


I obtained my first diploma in languages

I achieved a licence (Bachelor’s Degree) C.E.R. (Culture, Education and Research) in Foreign literature and civilisation, specialisation: “English studies”.


I started working for translation agencies

I start my first occasional jobs as a freelance translator with some translation agencies.

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Step 4


My level in Italian is certified

I obtained a Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language (CILS), level 4 – C2 (highest level) issued by the University for Foreigners (Università per Stranieri) of Siena (Italy).


The amount of work for translation agencies continued to grow.

More and more agencies requested my services and the amount of work they entrust to me increased.

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Step 5


I became a fully-fledged freelance translator!

I applied for a VAT number and devoted myself almost full-time to my job as a translator.


I decided to resume my studies once again

I enrolled in the master’s degree course in specialised translation at the University of Bologna’s School of Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting in Forlì.


I entered as an associate member of AITI

I became a member of AITI (Italian Association for Translators and Interpreters).

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Step 6


I upgraded to qualified member of AITI

I took the translation test to become a qualified member of AITI which entitles those who pass to a certificate of quality and professional qualification of the services provided.


I obtained a master’s degree in specialised translation

Graded 110/110 with honours. My dissertation was on the role of the translator in the localisation of company websites, with the practical case of the LaSaponaria cosmetics laboratory.


I registered with the Chamber of Commerce list of consultants and experts in the Marche region

The Chamber of Commerce of the Marche region accepted my application for registration.


To be continued…

I keep improving my skills and specialisations through continuous training and regular exchanges with colleagues and experts.

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