Work method

A direct collaboration for tailor-made communications

Accepting the assignment

Before accepting any type of assignment, I study the files to be translated in order to assess the specific requirements and provide a high quality translation.

As a qualified member of the Italian association for translators and interpreters (AITI), I am bound by professional secrecy and the other requirements stated in the code of conduct and ethics of the association.


For each new assignment.

  1. I collect resources and information concerning:
  • The client and the text to be translated,
  • The aim of the translations,
  • The translated text’s target audience,
  • The communicative style, the tone, and the general picture the client wishes to transmit through the text,
  • Past translations (if there are any) and terminological and lexical preferences.
  1. I identify possible areas of doubt and challenging terminology, thus sharing with the client any points which require clarification in order to guarantee the correct interpretation of the texts.
  1. I highlight sections of the text which may require further adaptation for the new target audience, communicating to the client the possible changes and communicative strategies which would be most appropriate linguistically and culturally.
Plenty of research

For each new assignment.

  1. – I collect resources and information concerning:
  • The client and the text to be translated,
  • The aim of the translations,
  • The translated text’s target audience,
  • The communicative style, the tone, and the general picture the client wishes to transmit through the text,
  • Past translations (if there are any) and terminological and lexical preferences.
  1. – I identify possible areas of doubt and challenging terminology, thus sharing with the client any points which require clarification in order to guarantee the correct interpretation of the texts.
  1. – I highlight sections of the text which may require further adaptation for the new target audience, communicating to the client the possible changes and communicative strategies which would be most appropriate linguistically and culturally.
The tools

To ensure the quality of the translation I use:

  • computer-assisted translation tools (also known as CAT tools) combined with translation memories and termbases to maintain terminological and stylistic coherence throughout the texts,
  • electronic corpora of general and/or specialised texts written by experts in the field,
  • specialised dictionaries,
  • the writing assistance software Antidote to ensure the high linguistic quality of the French text,
  • subtitling software (such as Subtitle Edit),
  • If asked: I use translation and localisation platforms or web-based content management systems defined by the client.
The revision
  • Before delivering the final translation, a meticulous self-revision is always carried out.
  • Thanks to a large professional network, in case of any doubts on specific points, I reach out to expert colleagues for a second opinion.
  • In the case of particularly challenging or complex assignments, a complete revision of the translation can be carried out by a second translator or by a proofreader.
  • In the case of a revision undertaken by the client, I am at their complete disposal to assess any possible changes together.


Stemming from years of training, passion and experience