About Me

Native French speaker and free lance translator
from Italian and English into French since 2008

DEGREESEducation and Training

I received my Master’s degree in Specialised Translation from the University of Bologna and carried out an undergraduate degree in English Language and Culture at the University of the Sorbonne in Paris.

QUALIFICATIONSProfessional Qualifications

I am a qualified member of the Italian association for translators and interpreters (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti - AITI), with a certificate attesting the quality of services provided and professional qualification, pursuant to Articles 7 and 8 of Law No.4 of 14 January 2013 (membership number 218059).

I am also registered by the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche region as a consultant and expert.

MISSIONWork Experience

I have gained a wealth of experience translating for production and sales companies, for communication agencies, and for academia. I take part in regular training events in order to always stay up to date.

VALUESMy Philosophy

I am fully convinced that a successful translation stems from a close collaboration with the client so the work is made to order.
I provide transparent rates, fixed estimates, and respect deadlines. Requests for information and estimates are answered in a clear and timely manner.

TRANSPARENT RATESGive your communication a boost